The Financial Services User Group (FSUG), an expert advisory body to the European Commission, has published its extensive 2024 Annual Report, summarizing key activities and achievements in advocating for the interests of financial services users across the EU. The report highlights the importance of user involvement in shaping financial policies and FSUG’s continuous efforts to enhance the regulatory framework for a more competitive financial sector.

Among the most notable activities over the past year, FSUG actively participated in consultations on artificial intelligence in financial services, provided feedback on measures to strengthen the lending capacity of European banks, contributed to the development of capital markets and the “Union of Savings & Investments”, issued opinions on the European Commission’s framework for access to financial data, and prepared recommendations for the new Commission for the 2024–2029 period. As in previous years, FSUG members also issued a special Statement during COP29 - the United Nations Climate Change Conference, supporting its key objectives and concrete financing measures. In addition, an external meeting in Lithuania focused on financial literacy, recognized as an essential extension of consumer protection.

Mr. Kristjan Verbič, President of VZMD and an active member of FSUG, played an important role by highlighting various challenges faced by financial services users in Slovenia, while also presenting key opportunities for improvements at the EU level. For two decades, VZMD has been committed to improving the regulatory framework to ensure effective protection of individual investors and financial services users, both in Slovenia and across the EU.


www.vzmd.si – More on the VZMD – PanSlovenian Investors & Stakeholders Association

www.vzmd.tv and www.investo.tv – Over 300 videos from VZMD.TV and investo.tv

www.investo.si – More on the investo.si – Invest to Slovenia Program

www.investo.international – More on the network of 75 national organizations of shareholders and investors