Introduction of the conference

Between 19th and 21st June 2008 PanSlovenian Shareholders' Association is hosting an international conference of European and world organizations of shareholders and investors in Ljubljana. In assembly of this, there will be a Euroshareholders General Assembly with participation of the most visible representatives of World Federation on Investors Corporations and numerous specialists, among them authority Dr. Erhard Busek and Dr. Giorgio Dominese.

In frame of encounter of European and world organizations of shareholders and investors and of their three-day residence in Slovenia, there will be General Assembly of Euroshareholders on Friday, 20th of June 2008, while Saturday, 21st June 2008, will be devoted to first conference, called that will offer foreign investors possibilities for realizing investments and business opportunities in Slovenia. At the same time also web portal will be established and that will be one of central sources of information concerning possibilities and advantages of investing and creating business activity in Slovenia.

Main guests of the conference are Dr. Erhard Busek, Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe that will introduce specific views of investment in Southeastern Europe and Dr. Giorgio Dominese, Coordinator of Central Eastern European University Network that will lecture about economical and political views and investment risks on the global level in current financial frame. Active cooperation on the project is being approved also by representatives of Slovenian Government, like financial minister Andrej Bajuk, PhD, and economic minister Andrej Vizjak, MSC.

In frame of presentations of development potentials and opportunities for investment in Slovenia, Middle and Southeastern Europe, the most visible local and foreign representatives of economy specter will be introduced. Also Ljubljana's major Zoran Janković will accept and host participants on a festive dinner at Ljubljana's castle and foreign guests will also have the opportunity to explore some of the Slovenian tourist attractions, organized by Slovenian tourist organization (STO).

The goal of this meeting is to explore opportunities for introduction of economy, investment, business and strategic possibilities in Slovenia, Middle and Southeastern Europe and to enable Slovenian economy important contacts. Both Associations, WFIC and Euroshareholders, are distinguished international institutions that unites powerful investors, economists and opinion leaders on national and international level.

Euroshareholders is association of European organizations of shareholders. It was established in 1992 and it unites 29 organizations from countries that are in European Union countries and 5 from Non European Union countries. World Federation of Investors Corporations (WFIC) was established in year 1960 as World's Federation of Investors Clubs and today it unites 20 national organizations of shareholders and investors worldwide.

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