
The VZMD adamantly opposes the call by the Slovenian Directors’ Association (ZNS) to directors and managers of companies, not to distribute profit or to distribute it partially. In this regard, the VZMD has made a point that the decision about the dividend payout should be the concern of the owners or shareholders respectively, and due to a fact that the dividends are to be paid out from (portion) of the profit earned by the companies in previous years, and not in the year to date. 

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At the VZMD, we strictly observe and adhere to the recommendations and limitations that have been adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the National Institute of Public Health with regard to the epidemic and the pandemic declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), and will promptly continue to do so down the road. Nevertheless, we continue to conduct all business operations, efforts, and activities to the fullest extent possible. That means that our information office continues to be fully operative for all security owners, investors, thousands of signatories of the Shareholder’s Agreements, and more than 1,500 "members" of the Share SUPPORT (VIDEO) civil society. In addition, our associates remain available for all interested parties and those included in the international business-investor programs Invest to Slovenia - investo.si and International Investors' Network – invest-to.net, despite the fact that given the circumstances, the majority of the main international events have been postponed to the following months.  

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A Russian central (web) business magazine Invest Foresight this week published an interview with the VZMD President  (VIDEO), Mr. Kristjan Verbič, which was held, among other things, during his recent attendance at the eminent GAIDAR FORUM. Mr. Verbič – also in the role of the Board Member of the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users (Better Finance) – reiterated his wishes for strengthening of business and investment collaboration, and for stronger integration with the Russian association of investors, shareholders and business persons. Given that Mr. Verbič was invited to the "Russian Davos", i.e. GAIDAR FORUM personally – by the Dean of the Moscow Institute of Business Studies, Mr. Sergey Myasoedov – also the year before, the interview at that time was published again in the same magazine (VIDEO).

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The Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia remedied the great injustice incurred to Mr. Kristjan Verbič with regard to the decisions of the Lower and Higher Court in Ljubljana with which he was convicted with final force for a crime that he had not committed. The ten-year long court trail has raised a lot of attention and gained considerable response from the public, since it dealt with the first and only decision regarding misuse of inside information in the country.

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Yesterday, Moscow saw the kick-off of the 11th Gaidar Forum, this year entitled “Russia and the World: Challenges of the New Decade”. A two-day forum, traditionally organized by the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), which enjoys the status of the “Russian Davos Forum”, gives the opportunity to share and confront views to thousands of eminent scientists, economists, businessmen, decision-makers, and most important government representatives, politicians and public figures from many countries and international institutions. Foreign guests view the forum as an important source of information about socio-economic trends, business developments, and state of the business and investment climate in Russia, whilst domestic experts seize this opportunity to build the prospects for further economic growth and Russian integration with the world economy. In view of that, this year's forum is hosting 85 panels, presentations, and other events to discuss current topics and challenges for the next decade.

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On Tuesday, the presentation of the "The Adriatic Journal: Strategic Foresight 2020" issue took place in Ljubljana, and it is traditionally given by the Institute for Strategic Solutions. The event was attended by the prominent representatives of the state, institutions, the economy and civil society such as Mr. Miro Cerar, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Ms. Karin Kneissl, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria, Mr. Blaž Brodnjak, NLB Bank Chairman of the Board, Mr. Gregor Pilgram, Generali CEE Holding Board member. As part of the VZMD's efforts and its international business-investor programs Invest to Slovenia - investo.si and International Investors' Network – invest-to.net, the event was attended by the President of the Association, Mr. Verbič, who took the opportunity to talk to many prominent guests. Among other things, a discussion was held about further collaboration in terms of activities by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Public Agency SPIRIT Slovenia - primarily in light of preparations for the Slovenia's presidency of the EU Council.

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Conference Better Finance 20112019

Yesterday, the Euronext Stock Exchange in Brussels hosted the Sustainable Value for Money international conference organized by the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users (Better Finance) in collaboration with the CFA Institute. The important conference addresses the issues of sustainable and long-term real returns of various financial products intended for long-term and retirement savings.

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BetterFinance meeting 19112019

Yesterday, the General meeting of the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users (Better Finance) took place at the CFA Institute in the Brussels downtown, followed by the meetings of the Legal Committee and the Executive Board. The events were also attended by the PanSlovenian Investors' & Shareholders' Association (VZMD) President, Mr. Kristjan Verbič, as a member of the Better Finance's Executive Board. He pointed out, among other things, two key issues from the vantage point of investors in Slovenia, which are also being fully addressed by the European Federation of Investors. 

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ds rs 28102019 2

The 6th extraordinary session that took place on Monday saw the members of the National Council unanimously vote for the suspensive veto to the Act on Judicial Relief Granted to Former Holders of Qualified Bank Credit (ZPSVIKOB). The session at the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia was also attended by the President of the VZMD, Mr. Kristjan Verbič. Last week, immediately after ZPSVIKOB was adopted in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Verbič addressed an appeal to the National Council, urging the members of the Council to veto the act and enable the reading of their incomparably more suitable bill.

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On Tuesday evening, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia has seen 34 votes against and 46 votes for in favor of adopting the Act on Judicial Relief Granted to Former Holders of Qualified Bank Credit (ZPSVIKOB) prepared by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. At the PanSlovenian Investors’ & Shareholders’ Association (VZMD), where they have been actively following the legislative procedure the entire time, providing numerous proposals, remarks, and warnings about the unsuitability of the Government’s bill, they decided to send a reasoned appeal to the members of the National Council urging them to veto the adopted act. This way, the repeated voting in the National Assembly would have to see the absolute majority of members of the parliament voting to adopt the questionable ZPSVIKOB, meaning once again at least 46 votes. At the VZMD they are of the opinion that it would be harder to achieve the majority of votes the second time around.

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