Large institutional investors from EU that manage over 1.34 trillion EUR and individual investors' representatives associations, together with PanSlovenian Shareholders` Association (VZMD), just a few days after "Ljubljana Declaration" signed the paper "Audit – a long-term investor position paper on proposed EU reforms". The signatories of this paper represent long term investors, who take their ownership responsibilities seriously, investing significant resources and time in securing, monitoring and voting their assets. Financial reports provide vital information for them to be able to monitor executives' use of their capital, and the audit of annual statements offers an essential assurance that information in company accounts is ‘true and fair'. The quality of the audit is, therefore, of utmost importance.
They believe there are five worrying features of the audit market. At a very fundamental level, they are concerned about: failure of auditors to provide adequate warnings prior to the collapse of a number of banks and insurers in the financial crisis, too few large auditors providing audit services to the largest listed companies (the average market share of the Big Four audit firms in EU member states is over 90%), high levels of non-audit work conducted by the auditor for the same company, apparently heavy dependence of the regulators and standard setters on the large audit firms for professional and financial support, lack of rotation of Audit firms – each one of them is often pointed out by the VZMD representatives at annual assemblies of companies.
This problems were already pointed out by VZMD in august this year, when EuroFinuse, the European Federation of Financial Services Users, in which VZMD collaborates as an active member and is represented in the Board of Directors by its President Mr. Kristjan Verbič, M.Sc., brought out a press release, in which they expressed their serious concern for the introduced reforms of European regulative of auditing market, that concerns European financial services users and shareholders of the European audited issuers.
EuroFinuse believes that the current economic damage, endured by shareholders of European banks, which otherwise had good audit reports, calls for more proper functioning of the audit markets in Europe. This would result in favorable impact on both, the European financial industryand auditing companies of any kind in Europe.
Other Notable International Activities:
"Ljubljana declaration" – historic decision on unification of 50 organizations of shareholders and investors under one association and VZMD award »Polet« for »Model corporate governance in multinational corporation« to Gorenje company (Ljubljana, September 21, 2012)
Mayor's reception for investo Expo, FDI Summit and Ljubljana Forum, at the conferring of awards VZMD-Euroshareholders “Shareholders’ Friendly Company” to Krka company, and “FDI Award” to Odelo company (Ljubljana, September 20, 2012)
Gala reception and dinner before International Conference on financial education and investors` exposition »investo Expo« (Ljubljana, September 19, 2012)
VIDEO ANNOUNCEMENT – Investors' Week 2012 – Largest Meeting of Investors' Representatives
Investors' Representatives Discuss the Up-Coming Investors' Week (Ljubljana, May 2012)
WFI President, Jean-Pierre Paelinck, Lectures in Seoul, South Korea (South Korea, May 2012)
VIDEO REPORT - and VZMD Actively Participate at the Ljubljana Stock Exchange's Slovene Capital Market Day 2012 for the Third Year (Ljubljana, April 2012)
VIDEO REPORT - Kapital 2012 - Active Participation of the VZMD,, (Ljubljana, April 2012)
VIDEO REPORT - International Conference at the Brussels Stock Exchange Stimulated Investors' Representatives and Institutions to Participate at the Investors' Week 2012 in September in Slovenia (Brussels, March 2012)
VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS from the Euroshareholders & VZMD Award Ceremony, Holiday Party, and Announcement of the World's Largest Meeting of Investors' Representatives in 2012 in Slovenia (Ljubljana, December 2011)
Very Successful Visit of the AEMEC Conference and at the Headquarters of Santander Bank in Madrid (Madrid, November 2011)
EUROSHAREHOLDERS General Assembly - Slovenia voted as Member of the Board; Russia and EFES Accepted as Associate Members; General Secretary, President, and Vice-Presidents Elected to Another Term; Next Assembly to Be Held in Slovenia (The Hague, October 2011)
"Slovenian Day at the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE)" Exceptional Interest of Funds, Investors, and the Financial Media for Slovenian Companies and Its Investment Environment - The Introduction of - Invest to Slovenia's Newly Founded Affiliate, - Invest to Montenegro (Warsaw, October 2011)
VIDEO COMMENTARIES from other international events (please click on the picture below to view): – More on the VZMD – PanSlovenian Shareholders' Association and – Over 250 videos from VZMD.TV and – More on the – Invest to Slovenia Program – More on the network of 55 national organizations of shareholders and investors